Please recite your January 2024 Affirmation:
"I am open to receive my blessings. Peace and gratitude fill my heart as I surrender to Divine guidance to do its work. My light shines so bright to be a beacon to help others who seek it. For it is the love and guidance of others that got me where I am today."
Recite: At dawn, before first lunch or before dinner
Suggested Oils: Gold & Silver, Positive Vibes, Crown of Success, Blessings
Reflection: What good habit do you want to begin this month?
Let Go Of: Any possessions that don't bring you joy
Happiness Challenge: Take a no social media day.
Shadow Work: What emotion do you try to avoid? What triggers this emotion in you?
THINGS TO PURGE IN JANUARY: Shoe boxes, old blankets, old hats, torn clothing, clutter in drawers, outdated shoes, old bath toys, empty bottles, brushes, ripped towels, expired medicine, broken electronics, outgrown toys, incompete games, outgrown furniture, cracked plates/dishes, Tupperware with no lids, expired canned and fridge foods, unused appliances, old keys, dried out pens, old cords/adapters, shred documents, dried out or unneeded paint cans, empty boxes, broken tools, unwanted holiday decor, old items/car seats.