So I have recently made an alliance with the water spirits at the Red River. In exchange for them helping me with my work, they'd requested that their power be added to a few of my condition oils so that those formulas are empowered by the unique essences of the river itself. The following formulas have been altered to satisfy these requirements:
RED RIVER VAN VAN: because of the Red's ability to stimulate change, commerce and good fortune financially for business. This is the 2nd largest river in the southern basin and is extremely swift and strong, so be prepared for this to emulate itself in your work.
LINK UP!: because of the Red's history as being a place where businesses are built and sustained and there is a strong networking energy here. The river is lined with businesses, casinos, and travel. Use this for forging new connections and partnerships, particularly for opportunity and wealth. Almost 4 years ago, the Red started flooding the ENTIRE TWO neighboring cities here (not including the other states it passes through) for the first time in like 80 years, so Link Up! should be used for people seeking drastic changes in their environment and seeking new pathways in business ventures and entrepreneurship.
LOVE UNCROSSING: because of Red's tempestuous ability to purge emotions and residue. There's an additional request here though. The Red River is a location where people like to date and be romantic, so this formula is now used for not JUST removing issues in your love life, but enhancing possibilities for love, romance and passion to come to you.
CIPRIANO: because of the Red's history of being used in war (Civil War specifically), its power is added as a highly aggressive form of spiritual and magical defense and repulsion of attacks and sorcery. When using, be fierce, because the Red has a history of drowning the shit out of anything and everyone in its path.
I'M A SNACK/GLAMOUR: I'm a Snack/Glamour is being infused with the essence Red River. Because, she says: "I'm popular. People have been drawn to me for over a thousand years. I'm imprinted into the minds and souls of millions. People can't help BUT to look at me. When you see me, you cannot unsee me. There is no life I have not touched and moved and that I cannot change. I cannot NOT be loved - and powerful."
There may be other adjustments later as I get better acquainted with the Red and their needs. They're not exactly quiet about what they want but their enthusiasm and suggestions have been extremely helpful thus far.